
17 May 2016

Do you suffer from chronic high performer syndrome?

Are you continuously pursuing improvements and outcome increases in your product or service?  Are you part of the solution to the problem?   Do others marvel at your ongoing efforts? Are you a high performer?  Do you constantly seek excellence?



Symptoms to look for are:


1. Pride in yourself and the organization you represent.


2. A strong willingness to put in extra time and attention to detail, to get the job done and delight subordinates, peers, leaders, and direct reports.


3. You are comfortable in the board room or the locker room.


4. Can figure out how to raise the bridge or lower the river. You can visualize a solution, gather the facts, determine the best course of action, measure the steps and see a project to completion as you constantly pursue excellence.


5. You are sensitive to others feelings but are not afraid to have a frank conversation, with caring.


6. Self-confidence without ego is how you are described.


7. Is respected, challenged or envied by others, due to their abilities and talents. 


8. You see the needs, step forward to fix things and are willing to sacrifice as you stay with it.


9. Can lead, follow or get out of the way, during the same project.  Your ego does not prohibit you from following others. As your instincts tell you that their project is heading for a cliff, you let them know that you can no longer support them.


10. You look directly in the eye of others when there is confrontation or humor?


11. Will not back down from a fight but still focus on being a peacemaker?


12. Knows what "honor, courage and commitment" mean.


13. You are chosen early if there is a draft and others see you as a tough challenger.


14. Will often regard their mentors, with the same respect as their parents.  Always willing to mentor others.


15. Often found serving those who serve others. 


16. Is extremely thorough at what they do. Has a keen sense of details, those that are necessary and those that do not matter.


17. Does not need awards, a simple thank you is sufficient. Is quick to pass on the thank you and it comes easy for you to do so.


18. Often arrives at work earlier than expected. Rolling up the sleeves comes natural.


19.  When out front in an organization, never has to turn around to see if you are being followed.  You know by the breathing as they try to keep up.


20. Is able to master all of the necessary technical requirements for the job at hand.


21 You check your ego at the door and people describe you as humble but competent.


22. Smiles a lot.


23. Maintains a positive attitude in the most adverse circumstances.


24. Thinks outside the box.


25. Possess' “personal-achievement-appropriate-confidence”. 


26. What keeps them up at night is exhaustion from achievement.

27. You always try to produce outcomes that matter, not activities that make you look good, actions that are easy, or steps that do not move your ideas forward.


28. You live and learn, while other just live.


29. You are disciplined to only feed traits that help you achieve your company goals.


30. You give credit and shy away from self applause.


31. You help others grow, as you push up the organization,

pulling them up, even putting them out front, even when they are scratching or pulling back.


32. You know you will leave this earth feeling good about your time here.


33. You know that you have worked hard and accomplished above and beyond expectations.

5 tips to learn c language faster

Learning programming is a hectic thing. Well, that is the opinion of many people or programmers these days. But, actually, it is not a big thing. In fact, a beginner can learn programming with C easily, if he is methodical with his approach. Not just methodical but a few tips additionally will also help you. So, let us find some effective tips for learning C faster.

When it comes to learn c language, we generally have to follow a schedule as recommended by our teacher. However, it is not really easy to follow a schedule strictly. We are all human beings, and thus we tend to skip our schedules. But, programming is a serious thing. Thus, you must try to follow a schedule carefully. Here are some excellent tips for you to follow:

1. Do not try learning too fast

The real accomplishment is when you learn things with precision, but not faster. It is important to learn c language with perfection from the very early stage. The early stage is about learning the basics of the C language. Learning basics is like setting up the foundations stones. So, if basics have been learnt carefully, the next passage will be smooth as cake for you.

C Language Training
C Language Training

2. Checking up the example codes

The best way of learning is self learning. No teacher can make you a champion programmer, until you have excellent self learning dedication. You can take help of the internet to check out some sample programming. You can also consult various text books, where C programming examples are provided. At basic stage, find simple example. While at pro level, find examples of extensive C programs. Checking online c language tutorials can also be highly effective.

3. More and More Practice

Practice makes perfect! This old school thought exactly matches the conditions of programming. If you want to be a successful and seamless programmer, you must go for more practicing. You need to practice hard and harder to ensure that you get the best result with your learning. Check various online assignments or ask for your teacher to provide you regular assignments so that you can practice various programming languages.

4. Learn using Debugger

Debugging is a tool for checking your programming. When you have finished your programming structuring, you should use debugger tool to find the possible chances of errors. Any error can cause malfunction. Thus, you should be careful with your skills. No matter how much vigil you are, you are human being after all. So, using the debugging tool is important as well as highly effective for learning the C programming language.

5. Find Tutorials

If you find that programming is not interesting, then you must be earning it in a wrong way. You need to change your approach of learning. For that you need a lot of help from the c language tutorials. Find online tutorials to ensure that you follow methodical process of learning C language.

So, learning C programming is not a big deal when you are methodical with your approach. Learning C carefully is important as it is the basic programming language.

Selecting The Top Architects in Delhi

An architect is the reason why a building can look the way it is. One should plan very seriously before deciding to hire an architect at all. If one is actually planning on that then there are few things that they should take care of. These points are extremely important if one wants the best kind of architects. The Top Architects in Delhi have quite a reputation for themselves though. So finding one wouldn’t be a difficult job at all.
Criteria one should look for while selecting an architect:
There are many criteria that one should look into before hiring an architect but the below mentioned are the most important 4 points that one should follow:
Checking the experience:
One should always look into this particular criterion. If one is not assured of the experience of the architect then definitely hiring him is not a good option. The more experienced an architect is the more would he have the concept of handling various situations. One just needs to look through his achievements to be clear about this particular point.
Looking for the requirements:
One should be very much particular about what are the requirements of working with the architects that they are choosing. They should know that the prices and the payment options vary for everyone. Deciding on this particular criterion is very important. One must know that the Top Architects in Gurgaon are very much clear about it from the very first.
Doing an extensive research:
This is another of the most important criterion. An extensive research on the architects is the way one can be assured that the results will be positive. Asking neighbours and friends for references is also one way that one can be assured to find the best architects. A lot of Architects in NCR can be very much found on the internet with their own websites where everything about them can be found.
Knowing about the team:
This is another criterion that one must be assured of. Which team are they working with becomes the most important point to look at? One must have an idea about the team that they are going to have to work on their property.
These points will make sure that the selection of the architects are perfect.